An Experiment on Learning Appropriate Selectional Restrictions from a Parsed Corpus
An Experimental Comparison of Naive Bayesian and Keyword-Based Anti-Spam Filtering with Personal E-mail Messages
An Extended Clustering Algorithm for Statistical Language Models
An Extended Theory of Head-Driven Parsing
An HPSG Parser Based on Description Logics
An Implemented Formalism for Computing Linguistic Presuppositions and Existential Commitments
An implemented model of punning riddles
An Improved k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Text Categorization
An improved parser for data-oriented lexical-functional analysis
An Information Extraction Core System for Real World German Text Processing
An Information Structural Approach to Spoken Language Generation
An Integrated Framework for Treebanks and Multilayer Annotations
An Integrated Heuristic Scheme for Partial Parse Evaluation
An Introduction to the Summarization of Evolving Events: Linear and Non-linear Evolution
An investigation into the correlation of cue phrases, unfilled pauses and the structuring of spoken discourse
An Investigation of Transformation-Based Learning in Discourse
An Iterative Algorithm to Build Chinese Language Models
An NLP Approach to a Specific Type of Texts: Car Accident Reports
An Object-Oriented and Fast Lexicon for Semantic Generation
An OLAC Extension for Dravidian Languages