Acquiring Word-Meaning Mappings for Natural Language Interfaces
Acquisition d'informations lexicales à partir de corpus Cédric Messiant et Thierry Poibeau
Acquisition of morphological families and derivational series from a machine readable dictionary
Acronym-Meaning Extraction from Corpora Using Multi-Tape Weighted Finite-State Machines
Active Constraints for a Direct Interpretation of HPSG
Active Learning for Mention Detection: A Comparison of Sentence Selection Strategies
Adapting a general parser to a sublanguage
Adapting the Core Language Engine to French and Spanish
Adaptive Sentence Boundary Disambiguation
Adjunction As Substitution: An Algebraic Formulation of Regular, Context-Free and Tree Adjoining Languages
Adjuncts and the Processing of Lexical Rules
Adnominal adjectives, code-switching and lexicalized TAG
Advances in domain independent linear text segmentation
Aggregate and mixed-order Markov models for statistical language processing
Algebras over a field and semantics for context based reasoning
Algorithms for Analysing the Temporal Structure of Discourse
Algorithms for Speech Recognition and Language Processing
Algorithms for weighted multi-tape automata
Aligning a Parallel English-Chinese Corpus Statistically with Lexical Criteria
Aligning Noisy Parallel Corpora Across Language Groups : Word Pair Feature Matching by Dynamic Time Warping