Statistical Augmentation of a Chinese Machine-Readable Dictionary
Statistical Decision-Tree Models for Parsing
Statistical Function Tagging and Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences
Statistical Inference and Probabilistic Modelling for Constraint-Based NLP
Statistical keyword detection in literary corpora
Statistical Machine Translation by Generalized Parsing
Statistical Models for Unsupervised Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Statistical Parameters of the Novel "Perekhresni stezhky" ("The Cross-Paths") by Ivan Franko
Statistical Physics for Natural Language Processing
Statistical versus symbolic parsing for captioned-information retrieval
Status of the XTAG System
Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars
Stochastic HPSG
Stochastic phonological grammars and acceptability
Storage of Natural Language Sentences in a Hopfield Network
Stressed and Unstressed Pronouns: Complementary Preferences
Structural Tags, Annealing and Automatic Word Classification
Structure and Ostension in the Interpretation of Discourse Deixis
Structured Language Modeling for Speech Recognition
Stylistic Variation in an Information Retrieval Experiment