Controlling Functional Uncertainty
Cooperation between Pronoun and Reference Resolution for Unrestricted Texts
Cooperative Error Handling and Shallow Processing
Coordination as a Direct Process
Coordination in Tree Adjoining Grammars: Formalization and Implementation
Corpus Annotation for Parser Evaluation
Corpus Statistics Meet the Noun Compound: Some Empirical Results
Corpus-based Method for Automatic Identification of Support Verbs for Nominalizations
Corpus-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Corpus-Driven Knowledge Acquisition for Discourse Analysis
Correction of Errors in a Modality Corpus Used for Machine Translation by Using Machine-learning Method
Corrections and Higher-Order Unification
Countability and Number in Japanese-to-English Machine Translation
Counting Coordination Categorially
Coupling Phonology and Phonetics in a Constraint-Based Gestural Model
CoZo+ - A Content Zoning Engine for textual documents
Creating a Live, Public Short Message Service Corpus: The NUS SMS Corpus
Creating a tagset, lexicon and guesser for a French tagger
Creating Annotation Tools with the Annotation Graph Toolkit
CRL at Ntcir2