Shorelines of islands of tractability: Algorithms for parsimony and minimum perfect phylogeny haplotyping problems
Short-time dynamics of polypeptides
Sparse Approximation of Computational Time Reversal Imaging
Spatiotemporal Noise Triggering Infiltrative Tumor Growth under Immune Surveillance
Straub tail, the deprivation effect and addiction to aggression
Symmetries by base substitutions in the genetic code predict 2' or 3' aminoacylation of tRNAs
Systematic Approach on Differences in Avian Viral Proteins Based on Carbon Composition
Technical performance and interpretation of physical experiment in problems of cell biology
The Basic Reproductive Number of Ebola and the Effects of Public Health Measures: The Cases of Congo and Uganda
The contact network of patients in a regional healthcare system
The degeneracy of the genetic code and Hadamard matrices
The dissipative brain
The G-Ball, a New Icon for Codon Symmetry and the Genetic Code
The genetic code degeneracy and the amino acids chemical composition are connected
The genetic code multiplet structure, in one number
The genetic code Via Godel encoding
The genetic code, 8-dimensional hypercomplex numbers and dyadic shifts
The genome is software and evolution is a software developer
The human genome and drug discovery after a decade. Roads (still) not taken
The immune system: look who's talking