X-ray Emission from the Binary Central Stars of the Planetary Nebulae HFG 1, DS 1, and LoTr 5
X-ray Emission from the FU Orionis Star V1735 Cygni
X-ray emission from the M9 dwarf 1RXS J115928.5-524717 - Quasi-quiescent coronal activity at the end of the main sequence
X-ray emission from the remarkable A-type star HR 8799
X-ray emission from the Wolf-Rayet bubble S308
X-ray Emission Line Profiles from Wind Clump Bow Shocks in Massive Stars
X-ray emission processes in stars
X-ray emitting MHD accretion shocks in classical T Tauri stars. Case for moderate to high plasma-beta values
X-ray illumination of the ejecta of Supernova 1987A
X-ray impact on the protoplanetary disks around T Tauri stars
X-ray Modeling of η Carinae and WR140 from SPH Simulations
X-ray Plasma Ejections and their association with other solar-activity phenomena
X-ray Production by V1647 Ori During Optical Outbursts
X-Ray Searches for Solar Axions
X-Ray Sources in Multiple Stars
X-ray spectral diagnostics of activity in massive stars
X-ray spectroscopy and photometry of the long-period polar AI Tri with XMM-Newton
X-Ray Spectroscopy of Stars
X-ray Spectroscopy of the High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsar Centaurus X-3 over its Binary Orbit
X-ray Spectroscopy of the Radiation-Driven Winds of Massive Stars: Line Profile and Line Ratio Diagnostics