WIYN Open Cluster Study. XLVIII. The Hard-Binary Population of NGC 188
WIYN Open Cluster Study. XXIV. Stellar Radial-Velocity Measurements in NGC 6819
WIYN Open Cluster Study. XXXVIII. Stellar Radial Velocities in the Young Open Cluster M35 (NGC 2168)
Wolf-Rayet Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae: Their Evolution and Properties
WR 110: A Single Wolf-Rayet Star With Corotating Interaction Regions In Its Wind?
WR 140 in the Infrared
Wreathes of Magnetism in Rapidly Rotating Suns
WZ Cygni: a Marginal Contact Binary in a Triple System?
X Her and TX Psc: Two cases of ISM interaction with stellar winds observed by Herschel
X-ray activity and rotation of the young stars in IC 348
X-ray activity phased with planet motion in HD 189733?
X-ray and Radio Timing of the Pulsar in 3C 58
X-ray emission characteristics of two WR binaries : V444 Cyg and CD Cru
X-ray Emission from an Asymmetric Blast Wave and a Massive White Dwarf in the Gamma-ray Emitting Nova V407 Cyg
X-ray emission from hydrodynamical simulations in non-LTE wind models
X-ray emission from massive stars with magnetic fields
X-ray Emission from Nitrogen-Type Wolf-Rayet Stars
X-ray emission from O-type stars : DH Cep and HD 97434
X-ray emission from protostellar jet HH 154: the first evidence of a diamond shock?
X-ray emission from the base of a current sheet in the wake of a CME