Truncated Disks in TW Hya Association Multiple Star Systems
TT Arietis - Observations of a Cataclysmic Variable Star with the MOST Space Telescope
Tungsten isotopic compositions in stardust SiC grains from the Murchison meteorite: Constraints on the s-process in the Hf-Ta-W-Re-Os region
Turbulence and magnetic field amplification from spiral SASI modes in core-collapse supernovae
Turbulence and Magnetic Field Amplification in Supernova Remnants: Interactions Between A Strong Shock Wave and Multi-Phase Interstellar Medium
Turbulence and magnetic spots at the surface of hot massive stars
Turbulence in a three-dimensional deflagration model for Type Ia supernovae: I. Scaling properties
Turbulence in the sub-Alfvénic solar wind driven by reflection of low-frequency Alfvén waves
Turbulence, Complexity, and Solar Flares
Turbulence, Energy Transfers and Reconnection in Compressible Coronal Heating Field-line Tangling Models
Turbulent Cells in Stars: I. Fluctuations in Kinetic Energy and Luminosity
Turbulent characteristics in the intensity fluctuations of a solar quiescent prominence observed by the \textit{Hinode} Solar Optical Telescope
Turbulent convection model in the overshooting region: II. Theoretical analysis
Turbulent cross-field transport of non-thermal electrons in coronal loops: theory and observations
Turbulent cross-helicity in the mean-field solar dynamo problem
Turbulent Diffusion in the Photosphere as Derived from Photospheric Bright Point Motion
Turbulent diffusion with rotation or magnetic fields
Turbulent eddy-time-correlation in the solar convective zone
Turbulent front speed in the Fisher equation: dependence on Damkohler number
Turbulent Linewidths in Protoplanetary Disks: Predictions from Numerical Simulations