Toward understanding the early stages of an impulsively accelerated coronal mass ejection
Towards a detection of individual g modes in the Sun
Towards a dynamical mass of a PG 1159 star: radial velocities and spectral analysis of SDSS J212531-010745
Towards a long-term record of solar total and spectral irradiance
Towards a Realistic, Data-Driven Thermodynamic MHD Model of the Global Solar Corona
Towards a theory of rapidly oscillating Ap stars
Towards a unified definition of solar limb during central eclipses and daily transits
Towards a unified model of stellar rotation
Towards a unified model of stellar rotation II: Model-dependent characteristics of stellar populations
Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters Chi Persei and NGC 6910
Towards Multiple-Star Population Synthesis
Towards precise ages for single stars in the field. Gyrochronology constraints at several Gyr using wide binaries. I. Ages for initial sample
Towards precise asteroseismology of solar-like stars
Towards real neutron star seismology: Accounting for elasticity and superfluidity
Towards Realistic Progenitors of Core-Collapse Supernovae
Towards Understanding The B[e] Phenomenon: IV. Modeling of IRAS 00470+6429
Towards Waveform Heliotomography: Observing Interactions of Helioseismic Waves with a Sunspot
TRACE Observations of Driven Loop Oscillations
Tracing FUV Radiation in the Embedded Phase of Star Formation
Tracing kinematical and physical asymmetries in the jet from DG Tau B