The 0.8-14.5 micron Spectra of Mid-L to Mid-T Dwarfs: Diagnostics of Effective Temperature, Grain Sedimentation, Gas Transport, and Surface Gravity
The 13C Pocket in Low Mass AGB Stars
The 17 January 2005 Complex Solar Radio Event Associated with Interacting Fast Coronal Mass Ejections
The 2001-2003 Low State of Nova Lacertae 1950 (DK Lac)
The 2003 and 2005 superhumps in V1113 Cygni
The 2008 August 1 Eclipse Solar-Minimum Corona Unraveled
The 2008 extreme outburst of the young eruptive variable star Ex Lupi
The 2008 Luminous Optical Transient in the Nearby Galaxy NGC 300
The 2008 Outburst in the Young Stellar System Z CMa: The First Detection of Twin Jets
The 2008 outburst of EX Lup - silicate crystals in motion
The 2008 outburst of the cataclysmic variable V358 Lyrae
The 2008-2009 outburst of the young binary system Z CMa unraveled by interferometry with high spectral resolution
The 2009 Outburst of V630 Cassiopeiae
The 2010 August 01 type II burst: A CME-CME Interaction, and its radio and white-light manifestations
The 2010 early outburst spectrum of the recurrent nova U Scorpii
The 2010 nova outburst of the symbiotic Mira V407 Cyg
The 2011 February superoutburst of the dwarf nova SDSS J112003.40+663632.4
The 2011 outburst of the recurrent novaT Pyx. Evidence for a face-on bipolar ejection
The 3-D Structure of SN 1987A's inner Ejecta
The 3D behavior of a twisted flux tube expanding in the corona: reconnection, writhe and jets