Temporal Variability of Active Region Outflows
Temporal Variability of Stars and Stellar Systems
Temporal Variation of the Hemispheric Solar Rotation
Temporal variations in the acoustic signal from faculae
Temporal Variations of High-Degree Solar p-Modes from GONG and MDI
Temporal variations of the CaXIX spectra in solar flares
Ten Years of the Solar Radiospectrograph ARTEMIS-IV
Teorie lunari, effemeridi e sistemi di coordinate (Lunar theories, ephemerides and coordinates systems)
Tepid Supergiants: Chemical Signatures of Stellar Evolution & The Extent of Blue Loops
Test particle acceleration in a numerical MHD experiment of an anemone jet
Test-field method for mean-field coefficients with MHD background
Testing 3D solar models against observations
Testing a Predictive Theoretical Model for the Mass Loss Rates of Cool Stars
Testing a pulsating binary model for long secondary periods in red variables
Testing Approximations of Thermal Effects in Neutron Star Merger Simulations
Testing Binary Population Synthesis Models with Hot Subdwarfs
Testing circumstellar disk lifetimes in young embedded clusters associated with the Vela Molecular Ridge
Testing common classical LTE and NLTE model atmosphere and line-formation codes for quantitative spectroscopy of early-type stars
Testing EUV/X-ray Atomic Data for the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Testing magnetofrictional extrapolation with the Titov-Démoulin model of solar active regions