Red-giant seismic properties analyzed with CoRoT
Reevaluation of the $^{14}$O($α$,p)$^{17}$F Resonant Reaction Rate
Reexamination of Astrophysical Resonance Reaction Rate Equations for An Isolated, Narrow Resonance
Reexamination of reaction rates for a key stellar reaction of $^{14}$O($α$,p)$^{17}$F
Refined Metallicity Indices for M Dwarfs Using the SLoWPoKES Catalog of Wide, Low-mass Binaries
Refined Neutron-Star Mass Determinations for Six Eclipsing X-Ray Pulsar Binaries
Reflection and Conversion of Magneto-Gravity Waves in the Solar Chromosphere: Windows to the Upper Atmosphere
Reflection and Ducting of Gravity Waves Inside the Sun
Region of hadron-quark mixed phase in hybrid stars
Regular frequency patterns in the classical delta Scuti star HD 144277 observed by the MOST satellite
Regular modes in rotating stars
Regularities in frequency spacings of Delta Scuti stars: The Kepler star KIC 9700322
Relation between coronal type II bursts, associated flares and CMEs
Relation between current sheets and vortex sheets in stationary incompressible MHD
Relationship between earth-directed solar eruptions and magnetic clouds at 1AU: A brief review
Relationship between eruptions of active-region filaments and associated flares and CMEs
Relationship between group sunspot number and Wolf sunspot number
Relationship between Hard and Soft X-ray Emission Components of a Solar Flare
Relationship between non-thermal electron energy spectra and GOES classes
Relationship between photospheric currents and coronal magnetic helicity for force-free bipolar fields