Reconnection Studies Under Different Types of Turbulence Driving
Reconstructed and measured total solar irradiance: Is there a secular trend between 1978 and 2003?
Reconstructing CMEs with Coordinated Imaging and In Situ Observations: Global Structure, Kinematics, and Implications for Space Weather Forecasting
Reconstructing the 3-D Trajectories of CMEs in the Inner Heliosphere
Reconstructing the Local Twist of Coronal Magnetic Fields and the Three-Dimensional Shape of the Field Lines from Coronal Loops in EUV and X-Ray Images
Reconstructing the solar integrated radial velocity using MDI/SOHO
Reconstruction and Analysis of Component Spectra of Binary and Multiple Stars
Reconstruction of solar UV irradiance since 1974
Reconstruction of total solar irradiance 1974-2009
Recovering the Line-Of-Sight Magnetic Field in the Chromosphere from Ca II IR Spectra
Recurrent dust formation by WR 48a on a 30-year timescale
Recurrent flux emergence from dynamo-generated fields
Recurrent Planet Formation and Intermittent Protostellar Outflows Induced by Episodic Mass Accretion
Recurrent solar jets in active regions
Recurring millimeter flares as evidence for star-star magnetic reconnection events in the DQ Tauri PMS binary system
Red Dwarf Stars: Ages, Rotation, Magnetic Dynamo Activity and the Habitability of Hosted Planets
Red Giants observed with CoRoT
Red Supergiant Stars as Cosmic Abundance Probes: NLTE Effects in J-band Iron and Titanium Lines
Red Supergiant Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud: I. The Period-Luminosity Relation
Red Supergiants, Luminous Blue Variables and Wolf-Rayet stars: the single massive star perspective