Rotational Splitting of Pulsational Modes
Rotational splittings for slow to moderate rotators: Latitudinal dependency or higher order effects in Ω?
Rotational Structure and Outflow in the Infrared Dark Cloud 18223-3
Rotational studies in the Orion Nebula Cluster: from solar mass stars to brown dwarfs
Rotational velocities of A-type stars IV. Evolution of rotational velocities
Rotational Velocities of Individual Components in Very Low Mass Binaries
Rotational velocities of nearby young stars
Rotationally modulated variations and the mean longitudinal magnetic field of the Herbig Ae star HD 101412
Rotationally-modulated g-modes in the rapidly-rotating delta Scuti star Rasalhague (alpha Ophiuchi)
RR Lyrae Atmospherics: Wrinkles Old and New. A Preview
RR Lyrae Period-Amplitude Diagrams: From Bailey to Today
RR Lyrae Pulsation Theory
RR Lyrae Stars, Metal-Poor Stars, and the Galaxy
RR Lyrae the Stellar Beacons of the Galactic Structure
RR Lyrae type stars, ST Boo and RR Leo: 2007 Observations and the preliminary results of the frequency analaysis
RR Lyrae variables in M32 and the disk of M31
RR Lyrae Variables in NGC 2808
RR Lyrae Variables in the Halo of M33
RR Lyrae Variables in the Local Group Dwarf Galaxy NGC 147
RR Lyraes and Type II Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds: Distance Scales and Population Gradients