Revisiting the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere model for sigma Ori E. I. Observations and Data Analysis
Revisiting the solar tachocline: Average properties and temporal variations
Reynolds stress and heat flux in spherical shell convection
Reynolds stresses from hydrodynamic turbulence with shear and rotation
RHESSI Investigation of X-Ray Coronal Sources During Decay Phase of Solar Flares: I. Observations
RHESSI Investigation of X-ray Coronal Sources During Decay Phase of Solar Flares: II. Energy Balance
RHESSI Line and Continuum Observations of Super-hot Flare Plasma
RHESSI Observations of Long-Duration Flares With Long-Lasting X-ray Loop-Top Sources
Riemann curvature-stretching coupling in dynamo torus laboratory and in UHF twisted plasma loops
Ro-vibrational CO Detected in the $β$~Pictoris Circumstellar Disk
Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - V. A high-latitude star-spot on RU Pegasi
Role of input atomic data in spectroscopic analyses of the Sun and metal-poor stars
Roles of Fast-Cyclotron and Alfven-Cyclotron Waves for the Multi-Ion Solar Wind
ROSA: a high cadence, synchronized multi-camera solar imaging system
Rossby Wave Instability and three-dimensional vortices in accretion disks
Rossby waves and polar spots in rapidly rotating stars: Implications for stellar wind evolution
Rotating Massive Main-Sequence Stars I: Grids of Evolutionary Models and Isochrones
Rotating Massive Main-Sequence Stars II: Simulating a Population of LMC early B-type Stars as a Test of Rotational Mixing
Rotating massive stars through the ages, with applications to WR stars, Pop III stars and Gamma Ray Bursts
Rotating Radio Transients