Revealing companions to nearby stars with astrometric acceleration
Revealing evolved massive stars with Spitzer
Revealing the Chamaeleon: First detection of a low-mass stellar halo around the young open cluster Eta Chamaeleontis
Revealing the sub-AU asymmetries of the inner dust rim in the disk around the Herbig Ae star R CrA
Reversed Drifting Quasi-periodic Pulsating Structure in an X1.3 Solar Flare on 2005 July 30
Review about populations of Be stars: stellar evolution of extreme stars
Review article: MHD wave propagation near coronal null points of magnetic fields
Review Of The 2010 Eruption Of Recurrent Nova U Scorpii
Revised classification of the SBS carbon star candidates including the discovery of a new emission line dwarf carbon star
Revised Results for Non-thermal Recombination Flare Hard X-Ray Emission
Revising the kinematics of 12GHz CH3OH masers in W3(OH)
Revision of distance to SS433
Revision of Solar Spicule Classification
Revision of the 15N(p,γ)16O reaction rate and oxygen abundance in H-burning zones
Revisited sunspot data: A new scenario for the onset of the Maunder minimum
Revisiting 2D Numerical Models for the 19th century outbursts of $η$ Carinae
Revisiting Delta Y/Delta Z from multiple main sequences in Globular Clusters: insight from nearby stars
Revisiting the Flip-Flop Instability of Hoyle-Lyttleton Accretion
Revisiting the Flowers-Ruderman instability of magnetic stars
Revisiting the Parallax of the Isolated Neutron Star RX J185635-3754 Using HST/ACS Imaging