Resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamics from a charged multi-fluids perspective
Resolution requirements for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of self-gravitating accretion discs
Resolved images of self-gravitating circumstellar discs with ALMA
Resolved Imaging of the HD191089 Debris Disc
Resolved Spectroscopy of a Brown Dwarf Binary at the T Dwarf/Y Dwarf Transition
Resolved Spectroscopy of M Dwarf/L Dwarf Binaries. III. The "Wide" L3.5/L4 Dwarf Binary 2MASS J15500845+1455180AB
Resolved Spectroscopy of M Dwarf/L Dwarf Binaries. IV. Discovery of an M9 + L6 BInary Separated by Over 100 AU
Resolving debris discs in the far-infrared: early highlights from the DEBRIS survey
Resolving the asymmetric inner wind region of the yellow hypergiant IRC+10420 with VLTI/AMBER in low and high spectral resolution mode
Resolving the Azimuthal Ambiguity in Vector Magnetogram Data with the Divergence-Free Condition: Application to Discrete Data
Resolving the Circumstellar Disk of HL Tauri at Millimeter Wavelengths
Resolving the CO Snow Line in the Disk around HD 163296
Resolving the cold debris disc around a planet-hosting star: PACS photometric imaging observations of q1 Eri (HD10647, HR506)
Resolving the dusty circumstellar environment of the A[e] supergiant HD 62623 with the VLTI/MIDI
Resolving the L/T transition binary SDSS J2052-1609 AB
Resolving the terrestrial planet forming regions of HD113766 and HD172555 with MIDI
Resolving the Xi Boo Binary with Chandra, and Revealing the Spectral Type Dependence of the Coronal "FIP Effect"
Resonance Broadening and Heating of Charged Particles in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence
Resonance in Forced Flux Transport Dynamos
Resonance instability of axially-symmetric magnetostatic equilibria