Quasi periodic oscillations of solar active regions in connection with their flare activity - NoRH observations
Quasi-biennial oscillations in the solar tachocline caused by magnetic Rossby wave instabilities
Quasi-Biennial variations in helioseismic frequencies: Can the source of the variation be localized?
Quasi-period outflows observed by the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode in the boundary of an active region
Quasi-periodic Fast-mode Wave Trains Within a Global EUV Wave and Sequential Transverse Oscillations Detected by SDO/AIA
Quasi-periodic Propagating Signals in the Solar Corona: The Signature of Magnetoacoustic Waves or High-Velocity Upflows?
Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar Flares: new clues from the Fermi Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor
Quasi-Periodic Releases of Streamer Blobs and Velocity Variability of the Slow Solar Wind near the Sun
Quasi-stars, giants and the Schönberg-Chandrasekhar limit
Quenching of Meridional Circulation in Flux Transport Dynamo Models
Quenching of the alpha effect in the Sun -- what observations are telling us
Quiescent and flaring X-ray emission from the nearby M/T dwarf binary SCR 1845-6357
Quiescent Superhumps Detected in the Dwarf Nova V344 Lyrae by Kepler
Quiet Novae with Flat Maximum -- No Optically Thick Winds
Quiet-Sun imaging asymmetries in NaI D1 compared with other strong Fraunhofer lines
Quiet-Sun intensity contrasts in the near ultraviolet