Photometric amplitudes and phases of B-type main sequence pulsators: sources of inaccuracy
Photometric analysis of Magellanic Cloud R Coronae Borealis Stars in the recovery phase of their declines
Photometric analysis of the eclipsing binary 2MASS 19090585+4911585
Photometric and spectroscopic investigation of TW Draconis
Photometric and Spectroscopic Studies of Massive Binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud. I. Introduction and Orbits for Two Detached Systems: Evidence for a Mass Discrepancy?
Photometric campaign on massive stars in the open cluster NGC 5617
Photometric determination of the mass accretion rates of pre-main sequence stars. II. NGC346 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Photometric determination of the mass accretion rates of pre-main sequence stars. III. Results in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Photometric mode identification methods of nonradial pulsations in eclipsing binaries I. -- Dynamic Eclipse Mapping
Photometric monitoring of Luminous Blue Variables
Photometric monitoring of the young star Par 1724 in Orion
Photometric multi-site campaign on the open cluster NGC 884 I. Detection of the variable stars
Photometric observations and modeling of type IIb supernova 2008ax
Photometric Observations of the Eta Carinae 2009.0 Spectroscopic Event
Photometric Observations of the Young Cluster Variable GM Cephei
Photometric search for variable stars in young open cluster Berkeley 59
Photometric search of orbital periods in symbiotic stars
Photometric signatures of multiple stellar populations in Galactic globular clusters
Photometric Study and Detection of Variable Stars in the Open Clusters - I : NGC 6866
Photometric Study and Search for Pulsations in RZ Dra and EG Cep