PG 1258+593 and its common proper motion magnetic white dwarf counterpart
PG1018-047: the longest period subdwarf B binary
Phase closure nulling of HD 59717 with AMBER/VLTI . Detection of the close faint companion
Phase III of USO Solar Vector Magnetograph
Phase Mixing of Nonlinear Visco-resistive Alfvén Waves
Phase resolved spectroscopic study of the isolated neutron star RBS 1223 (1RXS J130848.6+212708)
Phase Structure and Transport Properties of Dense Quark Matter
Phase Transition and Anisotropic Deformations of Neutron Star Matter
Phase Transitions in Dense Baryonic Matter and Cooling of Rotating Neutron Stars
Phase-locked modulation delay between the poles of pulsar B1055-52
Phase-Mixing and Dissipation of Standing Shear Alfven waves
Phase-resolved optical and X-ray spectroscopy of low-mass X-ray binary X1822-371
PHL 5038: A spatially resolved white dwarf + brown dwarf binary
Photochemistry of the PAH pyrene in water ice: the case for ion-mediated solid-state astrochemistry
Photodissociation in proto-planetary nebulae. Hydrodynamical simulations and solutions for low-velocity multi-lobes
Photoelectric charging of dust grains in the environment of Young Stellar Objects
Photoelectric cross-sections of gas and dust in protoplanetary disks
Photoevaporating Proplyd-like objects in Cygnus OB2
Photoionization models of the Eskimo nebula: evidence for a binary central star?
Photoionized features in the X-ray spectrum of EX Hydrae