Pseudo-global Fitting of Gapped Helioseismic Data
Pseudo-viscous modeling of self-gravitating discs and the formation of low mass ratio binaries
PSRPI: A large VLBA pulsar astrometry program
PTF1 J071912.13+485834.0: An outbursting AM CVn system discovered by a synoptic survey
PTF10fqs: A Luminous Red Nova in the Spiral Galaxy Messier 99
PTF10nvg: An Outbursting Class I Protostar in the Pelican/North American Nebula
PTF10ops - a subluminous, normal-width lightcurve Type Ia supernova in the middle of nowhere
Pulsar current revisited
Pulsar glitch recovery and the superfluidity coefficients of bulk nuclear matter
Pulsar glitch substructure and pulsar interiors
Pulsar spin-velocity alignment from single and binary neutron star progenitors
Pulsar state switching, timing noise and free precession
Pulsar timing array projects
Pulsars as Fantastic Objects and Probes
Pulsars as gravitational wave detectors
Pulsating Components in Binary and Multiple Stellar Systems -- A Catalog of Oscillating Binaries
Pulsating hot subdwarfs with MS companions or: EO Ceti is an sdO pulsator!
Pulsating reverse detonation models of Type Ia supernovae. I: Detonation ignition
Pulsating reverse detonation models of Type Ia supernovae. II: Explosion
Pulsating stars harbouring planets