Oscillations and instabilities in neutron stars with poloidal magnetic fields
Oscillations and instabilities of fast and differentially rotating relativistic stars
Oscillations and magnetic fields in the G8 star EK Eridani
Oscillations and waves in solar spicules
Oscillations in the G-type Giants
Oscillations in the Solar Faculae. III. The Phase Relations between Chromospheric and Photospheric LOS Velocities
Oscillations in the wake of a flare blast wave
Oscillations of hot, young neutron stars: Gravitational wave frequencies and damping times
Oscillations of Prominences Observed by MSDP and HSFA Telescopes
Oscillations of relativistic axisymmetric tori and implications for modelling kHz-QPOs in neutron-star X-ray binaries
Oscillations of rotating magnetised neutron stars with purely toroidal magnetic fields
Oscillator Strength Measurements of Atomic Absorption Lines from Stellar Spectra
Oscillatory behavior in the quiet Sun observed with the New Solar Telescope
Oscillatory dynamos and their induction mechanisms
Oscillatory large-scale dynamos from Cartesian convection simulations
Oscillatory migrating magnetic fields in helical turbulence in spherical domains
Oscillatory motions observed in eruptive filaments
Outburst characteristics of the dwarf nova SDSS J073208.11+413008.7
Outflow activities in the young high-mass stellar object G23.44-0.18
Outflow and accretion detections in the young stellar object IRAS 04579+4703