Magnetic neutron star equilibria with stratification and type-II superconductivity
Magnetic Non-Potentiality of Solar Active Regions and Peak X-Ray Flux of the Associated Flares
Magnetic pinch-type instability in stellar radiative zones
Magnetic properties of three cool CP stars with strong fields
Magnetic Quenching of Turbulent Diffusivity: Reconciling Mixing-length Theory Estimates with Kinematic Dynamo Models of the Solar Cycle
Magnetic Reconnection along Quasi-Separatrix Layers as a Driver of Ubiquitous Active Region Outflows
Magnetic reconnection and stochastic plasmoid chains in high-Lundquist-number plasmas
Magnetic reconnection and topological trigger in physics of large solar flares
Magnetic reconnection at 3D null points: effect of magnetic field asymmetry
Magnetic Reconnection in Non-Equilibrium Ionization Plasma
Magnetic Reconnection resulting from Flux Emergence: Implications for Jet Formation in the lower solar atmosphere?
Magnetic Rossby waves in the solar tachocline and Rieger-type periodicities
Magnetic spots on hot massive stars
Magnetic stars from a FEROS cool Ap star survey
Magnetic Structure of Rapidly Rotating FK Comae-Type Coronae
Magnetic Structure of Sunspots
Magnetic survey of emission line B-type stars with FORS1 at the VLT
Magnetic topology of a naked sunspot: Is it really naked?
Magnetic Topology of Coronal Hole Linkages
Magnetic Towers and Binary-Formed Disks: New Results for PN Evolution