Magnetic field, chemical composition and line profile variability of the peculiar eclipsing binary star AR Aur
Magnetic field, differential rotation and activity of the hot-Jupiter hosting star HD 179949
Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence I: The early-G star HD 141943 - brightness and magnetic topologies
Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence II: The early-G star HD 141943 - coronal magnetic field, H-alpha emission and differential rotation
Magnetic fields and differential rotation on the pre-main sequence III: The early-G star HD 106506
Magnetic Fields and Infall Motions in NGC 1333 IRAS 4
Magnetic Fields and Velocity Structures around a Cancellation Site
Magnetic Fields around (post-)AGB stars and (Pre-)Planetary Nebulae
Magnetic fields during the early stages of massive star formation - I. Accretion and disk evolution
Magnetic fields during the early stages of massive star formation - II. A generalised outflow criterion
Magnetic fields in axisymmetric neutron stars
Magnetic fields in central stars of planetary nebulae?
Magnetic fields in classical Be stars
Magnetic Fields in Evolved Stars: Imaging the Polarized Emission of High-Frequency SiO Masers
Magnetic fields in M-dwarfs: quantitative results from detailed spectral synthesis in FeH lines
Magnetic fields in massive stars, their winds, and their nebulae
Magnetic fields in O-type stars measured with FORS1 at the VLT
Magnetic Fields in Stellar Astrophysics
Magnetic fields of an active region filament from full Stokes analysis of Si I 1082.7 nm and He I 1083.0 nm
Magnetic fields of Ap stars as a result of an instability