Looking outside the Galaxy: the discovery of chemical anomalies in 3 old Large Magellanic Cloud clusters
Low abundance, strong features: Window-dressing crystalline forsterite in the disk wall of HD 100546
Low density symmetry energy effects in the neutron star crust properties
Low frequency QPO spectra and Lense-Thirring precession
Low magnetic-Prandtl number flow configurations for cold astrophysical disk models: speculation and analysis
Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Praesepe
Low metallicity AGB models: H profile in the 13C-pocket and the effect on the s-process
Low polarized emission from the core of coronal mass ejections
Low resolution spectroscopy of hot post-AGB candidates II. LS, LSS, LSE stars and additional IRAS sources
Low-$T/|W|$ instabilities in differentially rotating proto-neutron stars with magnetic fields
Low-Altitude Reconnection Inflow-Outflow Observations during a 2010 November 3 Eruption
Low-Degree High-Frequency p and g Modes in the Solar Core
Low-ionization pairs of knots in planetary nebulae: physical properties and excitation
Low-Latitude Coronal Holes at the Minimum of the 23rd Solar Cycle
Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries in the Initial Kepler Data Release
Low-mass members of the young cluster IC 4665 and pre-main-sequence lithium depletion
Low-mass pre--main-sequence stars in the Magellanic Clouds
Low-Mass Stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Galactic Structure, Kinematics, and the Luminosity Function
Low-mass stellar and substellar companions to sdB stars
Low-mass visual companions to nearby G-dwarfs