Light-curves of symbiotic stars in massive photometric surveys I: D-type systems
Limb darkening in spherical stellar atmospheres
Limb darkening laws for two exoplanet host stars derived from 3D stellar model atmospheres
Limb Spicules from the Ground and from Space
Limb-darkening measurements for a cool red giant in microlensing event OGLE 2004-BLG-482
LIME - a flexible, non-LTE line excitation and radiation transfer method for millimeter and far-infrared wavelengths
Limit on Continuous Neutrino Emission from Neutron Stars
Limitations of Absolute Current Densities Derived from the Semel & Skumanich Method
Limitations of Hall MHD as a model for turbulence in weakly collisional plasmas
Limits in astrometric accuracy induced by surface brightness asymmetries in red supergiant stars
Limits on initial mass segregation in young clusters
Limits on the Gas Disk Content of Two "Evolved" T Tauri Stars
Limits on the location of planetesimal formation in self-gravitating protostellar discs
Limits on Unresolved Planetary Companions to White Dwarf Remnants of 14 Intermediate-Mass Stars
Line formation in AGB atmospheres including velocity effects. Molecular line profile variations of long period variables
Line formation in the inner winds of classical T Tauri stars: testing the conical wind solution
Line identification in high-resolution, near-infrared CRIRES spectra of chemically peculiar and Herbig Ae stars
Line shape effects on intensity measurements of solar features: Brightness correction to SoHO MDI continuum images
Line-profile tomography of exoplanet transits I: The Doppler shadow of HD 189733b
Line-profile variability from tidal flows in Alpha Virginis (Spica)