Large prebiotic molecules in space: photo-physics of acetic acid and its isomers
Large Scale Azimuthal Structures Of Turbulence In Accretion Disks - Dynamo triggered variability of accretion
Large scale circulations and energy transport in contact binaries
Large scale magnetic fields in viscous resistive accretion disks. I. Ejection from weakly magnetized disks
Large Scale Soft X-ray Loops And Their Magnetic Chirality In Both Hemispheres
Large-amplitude electron-acoustic solitons in a dusty plasma with kappa-distributed electrons
Large-scale 3D MHD simulation on the solar flux emergence and the small-scale dynamic features in an active region
Large-scale horizontal flows in the solar photosphere V: Possible evidence for the disconnection of bi-polar sunspot groups from their magnetic roots
Large-Scale Kinematics, Astrochemistry and Magnetic Field Studies of Massive Star-forming Regions through HC3N, HNC and C2H Mappings
Large-Scale Magnetic Fields in Stellar Interiors I. Equilibrium Configurations to Model Fossil Fields
Large-scale magnetic flux concentrations from turbulent stresses
Large-scale magnetic topologies of late M dwarfs
Large-Scale Periodic Variability of the Wind of the Wolf-Rayet Star WR1 (HD 4004)
Large-scale young Gould Belt stars across Orion
Late-time supernova light curves: The effect of internal conversion and Auger electrons
Latitude migration of solar filaments
Launching of Conical Winds and Axial Jets from the Disk-Magnetosphere Boundary: Axisymmetric and 3D Simulations
Launching of Jets by Propeller Mechanism
LBV Eruptions Triggered and Powered by Binary Interaction
Learning Physics from the Stars: Its All in the Coefficients