Low-temperature gas opacity - AESOPUS: a versatile and quick computational tool
Lowering the Characteristic Mass of Cluster Stars by Magnetic Fields and Outflow Feedback
LSPM J1112+7626: detection of a 41-day M-dwarf eclipsing binary from the MEarth transit survey
LTE model atmopsheres MARCS, ATLAS and CO5BOLD
Lucky Imaging survey for southern M dwarf binaries
Luminosities and mass-loss rates of SMC and LMC AGB stars and Red Supergiants
Luminosities of recycled radio pulsars in globular clusters
Luminosity and mass functions of the three main sequences of the globular cluster NGC 2808
Luminosity Discrepancy in the Equal-Mass, Pre--Main Sequence Eclipsing Binary Par 1802: Non-Coevality or Tidal Heating?
Luminosity Functions of Spitzer Identified Protostars in Nine Nearby Molecular Clouds
Luminous Blue Variable eruptions and related transients: Diversity of progenitors and outburst properties
Lunar gamma-ray emission observed by FERMI
Lunar occultations of 184 stellar sources in two crowded regions towards the galactic bulge
Lyman-alpha wing absorption in cool white dwarf stars