Kinematics of the ring-like nebula SuWt 2
Kinematics of Two Eruptive Prominences observed by EUVI/STEREO
Kinetic helicity decay in linearly forced turbulence
Kinetic instability of drift-Alfven waves in solar corona and stochastic heating
Kinetic modeling of particle acceleration in a solar null point reconnection region
Kinetic Simulation of the Electron-Cyclotron Maser Instability: Relaxation of Electron Horseshoe Distributions
Kinetic simulation of the electron-cyclotron maser instability: effect of a finite source size
Kinetic vs. multi-fluid approach for interstellar neutrals in the heliosphere: exploration of the interstellar magnetic field effects
Kink oscillations of flowing threads in solar prominences
Kink waves in an active region dynamic fibril
Knots in the Helix Nebula found in H2
Know the Star, Know the Planet. I. Adaptive Optics of Exoplanet Host Stars
Know the Star, Know the Planet. II. Speckle Interferometry of Exoplanet Host Stars
Know Your Neighborhood: A Detailed Model Atmosphere Analysis of Nearby White Dwarfs
KOI 1224, a Fourth Bloated Hot White Dwarf Companion Found With Kepler
KOI-126: A Triply-Eclipsing Hierarchical Triple with Two Low-Mass Stars
KOI-54: The Kepler Discovery of Tidally-Excited Pulsations and Brightenings in a Highly Eccentric Binary
Kolmogorov Dissipation scales in Weakly Ionized Plasmas
Kolmogorov versus Iroshnikov-Kraichnan spectra: Consequences for ion heating in the solar wind
KP Cyg: an Unusual Metal-rich RR Lyr Type Star of Long Period