Importance of the Initial Conditions for Star Formation - II. Fragmentation Induced Starvation and Accretion Shielding
Importance of the Initial Conditions for Star Formation - III: Statistical Properties of Embedded Protostellar Clusters
Improved fundamental parameters and LTE abundances of the CoRoT solar-type pulsator HD49933
Improved Laboratory Transition Probabilities for Ce II, Application to the Cerium Abundances of the Sun and Five r-process Rich, Metal-Poor Stars, and Rare Earth Lab Data
Improved prospects for the detection of new Large Magellanic Cloud planetary nebulae
Improved radial velocity orbit of the young binary brown dwarf candidate ChaHa8
Improved stellar parameters of CoRoT-7
Improved velocity law parameterization for hot star winds
Improvements in the determination of ISS Ca II K parameters
Improving Large-scale Convection Zone-to-Corona Models
Improving stellar parameter and abundance determinations of early B-type stars
Impulsive acceleration of coronal mass ejections: I. Statistics and CME source region characteristics
Impulsive Phase Coronal Hard X-ray Sources in an X3.9 Class Solar Flare
In pursuit of gamma-ray burst progenitors: the identification of a sub-population of rotating Wolf-Rayet stars
In savvy pursuit of Local Group blue massive stars
In Situ Heating of the 2007 May 19 CME Ejecta Detected by STEREO/PLASTIC and ACE
In the Shadow of the Transiting Disk: Imaging epsilon Aurigae in Eclipse
Inclination-angle of the outflow in IRAS 05553+1631: A method to correct the projection effect
Including All the Lines
Inclusion of sdBs in evolutionary population synthesis for binary stellar populations and the application: the determinations of photo-z and galaxy morphology