Is Dust Forming on the Red Giant Branch in 47 Tuc?
Is Eta Carinae a fast rotator, and how much does the companion influence the inner wind structure?
Is Extra Mixing Really Needed in Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars?
Is FS Tau B Driving an Asymmetric Jet?
Is macroturbulence in OB Sgs related to pulsations?
Is macroturbulent broadening in OB Supergiants related to pulsations?
Is meridional circulation important in modelling irregularities of the solar cycle?
Is NP Aqr a new near-contact binary?
Is null-point reconnection important for solar flux emergence?
Is protostellar heating sufficient to halt fragmentation? A case study of the massive protocluster G8.68-0.37
Is Shedir Variable?
Is SN 2006X from a WD + MS system with optically thick wind?
Is Strong SASI Activity the Key to Successful Neutrino-Driven Supernova Explosions?
Is the common envelope ejection efficiency a function of the binary parameters?
Is the current lack of solar activity only skin deep?
Is the magnetic field in the heliosheath laminar or a turbulent bath of bubbles?
Is the massive young cluster Westerlund I bound?
Is the Polar Region Different from the Quiet Region of the Sun?
Is the post-AGB star SAO 40039 mildly H-deficient?
Is the solar convection zone in strict thermal wind balance?