Herschel/HIFI deepens the circumstellar NH3 enigma
Herschel/HIFI observations of high-J CO transitions in the protoplanetary nebula CRL618
Herschel/HIFI observations of IRC+10216: water vapor in the inner envelope of a carbon-rich AGB star
Herschel/HIFI observations of molecular emission in protoplanetary nebulae and young planetary nebulae
Herschel/HIFI observations of O-rich AGB stars : molecular inventory
HESS J1632-478: an energetic relic
HI and CO in the circumstellar environment of the S-type star RS Cnc
HI Observations of the Asymptotic Giant Branch Star X Herculis: Discovery of an Extended Circumstellar Wake Superposed on a Compact High-Velocity Cloud
High Amplitude δ-Scutis in the Large Magellanic Cloud
High and Intermediate-Mass Young Stellar Objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud
High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectroscopy of the Galactic Ultra-Compact HII Region K3-50A
High Angular Resolution Radio Observations of the HL/XZ Tau Region: Mapping the 50 AU Protoplanetary Disk around HL Tau and Resolving XZ Tau S into a 13 AU Binary
High Cadence Time-Series Photometry of V1647 Orionis
High dispersion spectroscopy of two A supergiant systems in the Small Magellanic Cloud with novel properties
High Energy Solar Particle Events and their Associated Coronal Mass Ejections
High Fill-Out, Extreme Mass Ratio Overcontact Binary Systems. X. The new discovered binary XY Leonis Minoris
High Frequency Cut-off and Changing of Radio Emission Mechanism in Pulsars
High frequency waves in the solar atmosphere?
High luminosity, slow ejecta and persistent carbon lines: SN 2009dc challenges thermonuclear explosion scenarios
High Lundquist Number Resistive MHD Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection: Searching for Secondary Island Formation