How and When do Planets Form? The Inner Regions of Planet Forming Disks at High Spatial and Spectral Resolution
How can a Negative Magnetic Helicity Active Region Generate a Positive Helicity Magnetic Cloud ?
How did the Sun affect the climate when life evolved on the Earth?
How far can minimal models explain the solar cycle?
How Good of a Clock is Rotation? The Stellar Rotation-Mass-Age Relationship for Old Field Stars
How much H and He is "hidden" in SNe Ib/c? I. - low-mass objects
How peculiar was the recent extended minimum - A hint towards double minima
How semiregular are irregular variables?
How SFRIs vary with methods of sampling the IMF and duplicity
How stellar activity affects the size estimates of extrasolar planets
How The Solar Wind Ties To Its Photospheric Origins
How to Correctly Stitch Together {\it Kepler} Data of a Blazhko Star
How to Make a Singleton sdB Star via Accelerated Stellar Evolution
How to optimize nonlinear force-free coronal magnetic field extrapolations from SDO/HMI vector magnetograms?
How Variable is Accretion in Young Stars?
How well do we know the composition of the neutron star crust?
Hoyle-Lyttleton Accretion in Three Dimensions
HR 5907: Discovery of the most rapidly rotating magnetic B-type star by the MiMeS Collaboration
HR 7355 - another rapidly braking He-strong CP star?
HR Del remnant anatomy using 2-D spectral data and 3-D photoionization shell models