Generation of radiative knots in a randomly pulsed protostellar jet II. X-ray emission
Generic behaviour of nonlinear sound waves near the surface of a star: smooth solutions
Generic model for magnetic explosions applied to solar flares
Geomagnetic Semiannual Variation Is Not Overestimated and Is Not an Artifact of Systematic Solar Hemispheric Asymmetry
Geometric Triangulation of Imaging Observations to Track Coronal Mass Ejections Continuously Out to 1 AU
Geometrical Constraints on the Hot Spot in Beta Lyrae
GeV Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares and Ground Level Enhancement (GLE) Events
Giant Nemesis candidate HD 107914 / HIP 60503 for the perforation of Oort cloud
Giant Planet Formation by Disk Instability: A Comparison Simulation With An Improved Radiative Scheme
Giants reveal what dwarfs conceal: Li abundance in lower RGB stars as diagnostic of the primordial Li
GJ 3236: a new bright, very low-mass eclipsing binary system discovered by the MEarth observatory
GJ 841B - The Second DQ White Dwarf with Polarized CH Molecular Bands
GK Boo and AE For: Two low-mass eclipsing binaries with dwarf companions
GK Per (Nova Persei 1901): HST Imagery and Spectroscopy of the Ejecta, and First Spectrum of the Jet-Like Feature
Global 3D Simulations of Disc Accretion onto the classical T Tauri Star BP Tauri
Global 3D Simulations of Disc Accretion onto the classical T Tauri Star V2129 Oph
Global asteroseismic properties of solar-like oscillations observed by Kepler : A comparison of complementary analysis methods
Global Collapses and Expansions in Star-Forming Clouds
Global dynamo models from direct numerical simulations and their mean-field counterparts
Global Forces in Eruptive Solar Flares: The Lorentz force Acting on the Solar Atmosphere and the Solar Interior