First evidence of a magnetic field on Vega. Towards a new class of magnetic A-type stars
First Evidence of Coexisting EIT Wave and Coronal Moreton Wave from SDO/AIA Observations
First evidence of pulsations in Vega? Results of today's most extensive spectroscopic search
First firm spectral classification of an early-B pre-main-sequence star: B275 in M17
First Flare-related Rapid Change of Photospheric Magnetic Field Observed by Solar Dynamics Observatory
First HARPSpol discoveries of magnetic fields in massive stars
First hyperfine resolved far-infrared OH spectrum from a star-forming region
First Keck Nulling Observations of a Young Stellar Object: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of the Herbig Ae star MWC 325
First Kepler results on compact pulsators I. Survey target selection and the first pulsators
First Kepler results on compact pulsators II: KIC 010139564, a new pulsating subdwarf B (V361 Hya) star with an additional low-frequency mode
First Kepler results on compact pulsators III: Subdwarf B stars with V1093~Her and hybrid (DW~Lyn) type pulsations
First Kepler results on compact pulsators V: Slowly pulsating subdwarf B stars in short-period binaries
First Kepler results on compact pulsators VI. Targets in the final half of the survey phase
First Kepler results on compact pulsators VII. Pulsating subdwarf B stars detected in the second half of the survey phase
First Kepler results on compact pulsators VIII: Mode identifications via period spacings in $g-$mode pulsating Subdwarf B stars
First Kepler results on RR Lyrae stars
First L-band Interferometric Observations of a Young Stellar Object: Probing the Circumstellar Environment of MWC 419
First Magnetic Field Detection on a Class I Protostar
First magnetic field models for recently discovered magnetic beta Cephei and slowly pulsating B stars
First observations of a dome-shaped large-scale coronal EUV wave