Fast core rotation in red-giant stars revealed by gravity-dominated mixed modes
Fast magnetic reconnection in the plasmoid-dominated regime
Fast Mid-IR Flashes Detected During Small Solar X-Ray Bursts
Fast Optical and X-ray Variability in the UCXB 4U0614+09
Fast ray-tracing algorithm for circumstellar structures (FRACS) I. Algorithm description and parameter-space study for mid-IR interferometry of B[e] stars
Fast ray-tracing algorithm for circumstellar structures (FRACS). II. Disc parameters of the B[e] supergiant CPD-57° 2874 from VLTI/MIDI data
Fast Rotating solar-like stars using asteroseismic datasets
Fast rotating stars resulting from binary evolution will often appear to be single
Fast Winds and Mass Loss from Metal-Poor Field Giants
FBS 0107-082: A Symbiotic Binary in a Rare Prolonged Outburst?
Fe I and Fe II Abundances of Solar-Type Dwarfs in the Pleiades Open Cluster
Fe I/Fe II ionization equilibrium in cool stars: NLTE versus LTE
Fe IX Calculations for the Solar Dynamics Observatory
Fe-peak element abundances in disk and halo stars
Features of spatial distribution of oscillations in faculae regions
February 15, 2011: sun-quakes produced by flux rope eruption
Feedback Effects on Low-Mass Star Formation
Feedback from Massive YSOs and Massive Stars
Fermi-LAT Observation of Quiescent Solar Emission
Fermi-LAT Observation of Quiet Solar Emission