Electrons re-acceleration at the footpoints of Solar Flares
Element Abundance Determination in Hot Evolved Stars
Element abundances in the stars of the MILES spectral library: the Mg/Fe ratio
Element abundances in X-ray emitting plasmas in stars
Element Diffusion and Accretion in Metal Poor Stars
Elemental abundance differences in the 16 Cygni binary system: a signature of gas giant planet formation?
Elemental abundances in AGB stars and the formation of the Galactic bulge
Elemental abundances of intermediate age open cluster NGC 3680
Elemental abundances of low-mass stars in the young clusters 25 Ori and lambda Ori
Elementary Energy Release Events in Flaring Loops: Effects of Chromospheric Evaporation on X-rays
Elementary Energy Release Events in Solar Flares
Eleven Exoplanet Host Star Angular Diameters from the CHARA Array
Ellerman Bombs at high resolution: I. Morphological evidence for photospheric reconnection
Ellipsoidal effect in the symbiotic star YY Her
Ellipsoidal primary of the RS CVn binary zeta And: Investigation using high-resolution spectroscopy and optical interferometry
Ellipsoidal Variability and the Difference between Sequence D and E Red Giants
Elliptical motions of stars in close binary systems
Embedded protostellar disks around (sub-)solar protostars. I. Disk structure and evolution
Embedded protostellar disks around (sub-)solar stars. II. Disk masses, sizes, densities, temperatures and the planet formation perspective
Emergence of Anchored Flux Tubes Through the Convection Zone