Exo--Zodiacal Dust Levels for Nearby Main Sequence Stars
EXOFIT: Bayesian Estimation of Orbital Parameters of Extrasolar Planets
EXOTIME: searching for planets around pulsating subdwarf B stars
Expansion of magnetic flux concentrations: a comparison of Hinode SOT d ata and models
Expansion parallax of the planetary nebula IC 418
Expected Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Yield of Eclipsing Binary Stars
Experimental evidence for Tayler instability in a liquid metal column
Experimental evidence of water formation on interstellar dust grains
Experimental Studies of Magnetically Driven Plasma Jets
Experimental study of radiative shocks at PALS facility
Explaining Planetary-Rotation Periods Using an Inductive Method
Explaining the Early Exit of Eta Carinae from its 2009 X-Ray Minimum with the Accretion Model
Explaining the Praesepe blue straggler HD 73666
Explaining the transient fast blue absorption lines in the massive binary system Eta Carinae
Explanation of the sea-serpent magnetic structure of sunspot penumbrae
Explicit Integration of Extremely-Stiff Reaction Networks: Quasi-Steady-State Methods
Explicit Integration of Extremely-Stiff Reaction Networks: Asymptotic Methods
Explicit Integration of Extremely-Stiff Reaction Networks: Partial Equilibrium Methods
Exploring a Stream of Highly-Eccentric Binaries with Kepler
Exploring B4: A Pulsating sdB star, in a Binary, in the Open Cluster NGC 6791