Evolution of a Coronal Twisted Flux Rope
Evolution of active and polar photospheric magnetic fields during the rise of Cycle 24 compared to previous cycles
Evolution of Binaries in Dense Stellar Systems
Evolution of binary stars and its implications for evolutionary population synthesis
Evolution of Cool Close Binaries - Approach to Contact
Evolution of Currents of Opposite Signs in the Flare Productive Solar Active Region NOAA 10930
Evolution of Filament Barbs
Evolution of Fluorine Abundances with the ν-Process
Evolution of Hard X-ray Sources and Ultraviolet Solar Flare Ribbons for a Confined Eruption of a Magnetic Flux Rope
Evolution of helicity in NOAA 10923 over three consecutive solar rotations
Evolution of low mass close binary systems with a neutron star: its dependence with the initial neutron star mass
Evolution of Magnetic Field and Energy in A Major Eruptive Active Region Based on SDO/HMI Observation
Evolution of Magnetic Fields in High Mass Star Formation: Linking field geometry and collapse for the W51 e2/e8 cores
Evolution of massive Be and Oe stars at low metallicity towards the Long Gamma Ray bursts\footnote{Based on ESO runs 069.D-0275(A), 072.D-0245(A) and (C).}
Evolution of massive population III stars with rotation and magnetic fields
Evolution of Massive Protostars via Disk Accretion
Evolution of Massive Stars along the Cosmic History
Evolution of massive stars with pulsation-driven superwinds during the RSG phase
Evolution of microflares associated with bright points in coronal holes and in quiet regions
Evolution of Near-Sun Solar Wind Turbulence