Evidence of Explosive Evaporation in a Microflare Observed by Hinode/EIS
Evidence of grain growth in the disk of the bipolar proto-planetary nebula M 1--92
Evidence of Impulsive Heating in Active Region Core Loops
Evidence of increasing acoustic emissivity at high frequency with solar cycle 23 in Sun-as-a-star observations
Evidence of Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Flux and Associated Flare
Evidence of slow magneto-acoustic waves in photospheric observations of a sunspot
Evidence of small-scale magnetic concentrations dragged by vortex motion of solar photospheric plasma
Evidence of Solar Flare Triggering due to Loop-Loop Interaction Caused by Footpoint Shear-Motion
Evidence of tidal debris from Omega Cen in the Kapteyn Group
Evidence of V-band polarimetric separation of carbon stars at high Galactic latitude
Evidence of Wave Damping at Low Heights in a Polar Coronal Hole
Evidence of widespread hot plasma in a non-flaring coronal active region from Hinode/XRT
EVLA observations of the nebula around G79.29+0.46
EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions
Evolution and appearance of Be stars in SMC clusters
Evolution and chemical yields of AGB stars: effects of low-temperature opacities
Evolution and colors of helium-core white dwarf stars with high-metallicity progenitors
Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of AGB stars in Three Magellanic Cloud Clusters
Evolution and Nucleosynthesis of Extremely Metal Poor & Metal-Free Low- and Intermediate-Mass Stars I: Stellar Yield Tables and the CEMPs
Evolution and nucleosynthesis of extremely metal-poor and metal-free low- and intermediate-mass stars II. s-process nucleosynthesis during the core He flash