Evidence for dust clearing through resolved submillimeter imaging
Evidence for Dynamical Changes in a Transitional Protoplanetary Disk with Mid-infrared Variability
Evidence for early disk-locking among low-mass members of the Orion Nebula Cluster
Evidence for Evolution Among Primordial Disks in the 5 Myr Old Upper Scorpius OB Association
Evidence for Extended Star Formation in the Old, Metal-Rich Open Cluster, NGC 6791?
Evidence for giant interacting coronal streamers in a pre-main-sequence binary system
Evidence for granulation in early A-type stars
Evidence for Inflow in High-Mass Star-Forming Clumps
Evidence for mass ejection associated with long secondary periods in red giants
Evidence For Mixed Helicity in Erupting Filaments
Evidence for nonlinear resonant mode coupling in the Beta Cep star HD 180642 (V1449 Aql) from CoRoT space-based photometry
Evidence for Pulsation-Driven Mass Loss from delta Cephei
Evidence for Quasi-isotropic Magnetic Fields from Hinode Quiet Sun Observations
Evidence for solar frequency dependence on sunspot type
Evidence for Steady Heating: Observations of an Active Region Core with Hinode and TRACE
Evidence for Temperature Change and Oblique Pulsation from Light Curve Fits of the Pulsating White Dwarf GD 358
Evidence for the impact of stellar activity on the detectability of solar-like oscillations observed by Kepler
Evidence for the White Dwarf Nature of Mira B
Evidence for Widespread Cooling in an Active Region Observed with the SDO Atmospheric Imaging Assembly
Evidence of a Plasmoid-Looptop Interaction and Magnetic Inflows During a Solar Flare/CME Eruptive Event