Detection of warm water vapour in Taurus protoplanetary discs by Herschel
Detection of X-rays from the jet-driving Symbiotic Star MWC 560
Determination of 3D Trajectories of Knots in Solar Prominences Using MSDP Data
Determination of Acceleration from 3D Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by STEREO
Determination of coronal temperatures from electron density profiles
Determination of electron density and filling factor for soft X-ray flare kernels
Determination of homogenized effective temperatures from stellar catalogs
Determination of rotation periods in solar-like stars with irregular sampling: the Gaia case
Determination of stellar parameters of C-rich hydrostatic stars from spectro-interferometric observations
Determination of stellar radii from asteroseismic Data
Determination of sub-resolution structure of jet by solar magnetoseismology
Determination of the chromospheric quiet network element area index and its variation during 2008-2011
Determination of the inclination of the multi-planet hosting star HR8799 using asteroseismology
Determination of the most pertinent EUV proxy for use in thermosphere modeling
Determination of the physical characteristics of the variable stars in the direction of the open cluster NGC 6811 through $uvbyβ$ photoelectric photometry
Determining Absorption, Emissivity Reduction, and Local Suppression Coefficients inside Sunspots
Determining global parameters of the oscillations of solar-like stars
Determining Photometric Metallicities of dSph Stellar Populations
Determining the azimuthal properties of coronal mass ejections from multi-spacecraft remote-sensing observations with stereo secchi
Determining the forsterite abundance of the dust around AGB stars