CSS091215:060708-060335 : An Optically Emergent Eruptive Near the Head of Herbig Haro 866 West
Cu I resonance lines in turn-off stars of NGC 6752 and NGC 6397. Effects of granulation from CO5BOLD models
Current helicity of active regions as a tracer of large-scale solar magnetic helicity
Current methods for analyzing light curves of solar-like stars
Current state of the modelling of photospheric activity
Current status of turbulent dynamo theory: From large-scale to small-scale dynamos
Cycles and cycle modulations
Cycles of the magnetic activity of the Sun and solar-type stars and simulation of their fluxes
Cyclic Variability of the Circumstellar Disc of the Be Star $ζ$ Tau. II. Testing the 2D Global Disc Oscillation Model
Cyclic variability of the circumstellar disk of the Be star zetaTau - I. Long-term monitoring observations
CYCLOPS-X: Simultaneous optical and X-ray modeling of polars
Cyclotron Modeling of the Polar CP Tuc
Cyg OB2 #5: When three stars are just not enough