Break up of returning plasma after the 7 June 2011 filament eruption by Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities
Breaking stress of neutron star crust
Bridges between helioseismological and asteroseismological inference
Bridging Model and Observed Stellar Spectra
Bridging the gap: disk formation in the Class 0 phase with ambipolar diffusion and Ohmic dissipation
Bright fibrils in Ca II K
Bright points in the quiet Sun as observed in the visible and near-UV by the balloon-borne observatory Sunrise
Bright Variable Stars in NGC 6819 - An Open Cluster in the Kepler Field
Brightness Oscillations in Models of Young Binary Systems with Low-Mass Secondary Components
Broad-band Optical Polarimetric Studies toward the Galactic young star cluster Be 59
Broad-band properties of the hard X-ray cataclysmic variables IGR J00234+6141 and 1RXS J213344.1+510725
Broadband Radio Spectral Observations of Solar Eclipse on 2008-08-01 and Implications on the Quiet Sun Atmospheric Model
Brown Dwarf Disks at Ages of 5-10 Myr
Brown Dwarf Jets: Investigating the Universality of Jet Launching Mechanisms at the Lowest Masses
Brown dwarfs and very low mass stars in the Praesepe open cluster: a dynamically unevolved mass function?
Bubbles and Knots in the Kinematical Structure of the Bipolar Planetary Nebula NGC 2818
Buoyancy-induced time delays in Babcock-Leighton flux-transport dynamo models
Buoyant Magnetic Loops in a Global Dynamo Simulation of a Young Sun
Bursting Activity in a High-Mass Star-Forming Region G33.64-0.21 Observed with the 6.7 GHz Methanol Maser
BVRcIc photometric evolution and flickering during the 2010 outburst of the recurrent nova U Scorpii