Binaries discovered by the MUCHFUSS project SDSS J08205+0008 - An eclipsing subdwarf B binary with brown dwarf companion
Binaries discovered by the SPY project V. GD 687 - a massive double degenerate binary progenitor that will merge within a Hubble time
Binaries discovered by the SPY survey VI. Discovery of a low mass companion to the hot subluminous planetary nebula central star EGB\,5 - A recently ejected common envelope?
Binarity of Transit Host Stars - Implications on Planetary Parameters
Binary Contamination in the SEGUE sample: Effects on SSPP Determinations of Stellar Atmospheric Parameters
Binary interactions and UV photometry on photometric redshift
Binary interactions on the calibrations of star formation rate
Binary microlensing event OGLE-2009-BLG-020 gives a verifiable mass, distance and orbit predictions
Binary Neutron Stars in Quasi-equilibrium
Binary orbit, physical properties, and evolutionary state of Capella (alpha Aurigae)
Binary Planetary Nebulae Nuclei towards the Galactic Bulge. I. Sample Discovery, Period Distribution and Binary Fraction
Binary planetary nebulae nuclei towards the Galactic bulge. II. A penchant for bipolarity and low-ionisation structures
Binary population synthesis study on supersoft X-ray phase of single degenerate type Ia supernova progenitors
Binary Populations of Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars
Binary progenitor models of type IIb supernovae
Binary properties of subdwarfs selected in the GALEX survey
Binary Source Lensing and the Repeating OGLE EWS Events
Binary Star Detection and Parameter Estimation in the RAVE Survey
Binary Star Orbits. III. In which we Revisit the Remarkable Case of Tweedledum and Tweedledee
Binary Stellar Population Synthesis Model