Social Networking: An astronomer's field guide
Soft Gamma-ray Detector for the ASTRO-H Mission
Soft gamma-ray optics: new Laue lens design and performance estimates
Software architecture for an unattended remotely controlled telescope
Software correlators as testbeds for RFI algorithms
Software Data-Processing Pipeline for Transient Detection
Software systems for operation, control, and monitoring of the EBEX instrument
Solar diameter with 2012 Venus transit
Solar Hidden Photon Search
SoLEXS - A low-energy X-ray Spectrometer for Solar Coronal Studies
Solid-state Slit Camera (SSC) on Board MAXI
Solving the Corner-Turning Problem for Large Interferometers
Some results after 10 years of site testing at Concordia, Antarctica
Source detection in interferometric visibility data. I. Fundamental estimation limits
Source detection using a 3D sparse representation: application to the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope
Sources of straylight in the post-focus imaging instrumentation of the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope
SOUTH POL: Revealing the Polarized Southern Sky
Southern Africa CTA Site Proposal
Space Astronomy for the mid-21st Century: Robotically Maintained Space Telescopes
Spacecraft VLBI and Doppler tracking: algorithms and implementation