Shape: A 3D Modeling Tool for Astrophysics
Shaped pupil design for the Gemini Planet Imager
Shrinking the Quadratic Estimator
Sigma One
Signal Classification for Acoustic Neutrino Detection
SigSpec User's Manual
Silicon Detector Arrays with Absolute Quantum Efficiency over 50% in the Far Ultraviolet for Single Photon Counting Applications
Silvaco ATLAS model of ESA's Gaia satellite e2v CCD91-72 pixels
Simbol-X Background Minimization: Mirror Spacecraft Passive Shielding Trade-Off Study
Simbol-X Hard X-ray Focusing Mirrors: Results Obtained During the Phase A Study
Simulated performance of a single pixel PIN spectrometer SCXM equipped with concentrator optics in Solar coronal X-ray observations
Simulation and analysis of sub-μas precision astrometric data for planet-finding
Simulation and Fitting of Multi-Dimensional X-ray Data
Simulation of planet detection with the SPHERE IFS
Simulation of the Directional Dark Matter Detector (D3) and Directional Neutron Observer (DiNO)
Simulation of the expected performance for the proposed gamma-ray detector HiSCORE
Simulation studies for optimizing the trigger generation criteria for the TACTIC telescope
Simulation Studies of the Backscattering Signal in HSRL Technique
Simulations of coronagraphy with a dynamic hologram for the direct detection of exo-planets
Simulations of Dense Stellar Systems with the AMUSE Software Toolkit