Searching for electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave transients
Searching for Fast Radio Transients with SKA Phase 1
Searching for high-energy neutrinos in coincidence with gravitational waves with the ANTARES and VIRGO/LIGO detectors
Searching for prompt signatures of nearby core-collapse supernovae by a joint analysis of neutrino and gravitational-wave data
Searching of New Emission-Line Stars using the Astroinformatics Approach
Seeing Science
Seeing, Wind and Outer Scale Effects on Image Quality at the Magellan Telescopes
Selection of radio pulsar candidates using artificial neural networks
Self-Calibration of Radio Astronomical Arrays With Non-Diagonal Noise Covariance Matrix
Self-coherent camera as a focal plane wavefront sensor: simulations
Self-gravity at the scale of the polar cell
Semantic Interlinking of Resources in the Virtual Observatory Era
Semi-supervised Learning for Photometric Supernova Classification
Sensitivity of Antenna Arrays for Long-Wavelength Radio Astronomy
Sensitivity of stacked imaging detectors to hard X-ray polarization
Sensor development and calibration for acoustic neutrino detection in ice
Service-Mode Observations for Ground-Based Solar Physics
SETI: The transmission rate of radio communication and the signal's detection
Shadowing unstable orbits of the Sitnikov elliptic 3-body problem
Shape measurement biases from underfitting and ellipticity gradients