Wormhole-generated physical universe
Wormholes and Black Hole Pair Creation
Wormholes and Child Universes
Wormholes and Cosmic Strings
Wormholes and Flux Tubes in 5D Kaluza-Klein Theory
Wormholes and Flux Tubes in Kaluza-Klein Theory
Wormholes and Flux Tubes in the 7D Gravity on the Principal Bundle with SU(2) Gauge Group as the Extra Dimensions
Wormholes and solitonic shells in five-dimensional DGP theory
Wormholes and Spacetime Foam: an approach to the Cosmological Constant and Entropy
Wormholes and Time Travel? Not Likely
Wormholes and trumpets: the Schwarzschild spacetime for the moving-puncture generation
Wormholes as Basis for the Hilbert Space in Lorentzian Gravity
Wormholes as Black Hole Foils
Wormholes in Bulk Viscous Cosmology
Wormholes in de Sitter branes
Wormholes in Dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory
Wormholes in Simplicial Minisuperspace
Wormholes in spacetime with torsion
Wormholes in spacetimes with cosmological horizons
Wormholes in String Theory