G1 Cosmologies with Gravitational and Scalar Waves
Galactic Collapse of Scalar Field Dark Matter
Galactic dark matter as a bulk effect on the brane
Galactic halos and gravastars: static spherically symmetric spacetimes in modern general relativity and astrophysics
Galactic Halos are Einstein Clusters of WIMPs
Galactic periodicity and the oscillating G model
Galactic Potentials
Galactic rotation curves in modified gravity with non-minimal coupling between matter and geometry
Galactic rotation curves in noncommutative geometry
Galactic Sun's motion in the Cold Dark Matter, MOdified Newtonian Dynamics and MOdified Gravity scenarios
Galaxies as Rotating Buckets - a Hypothesis on the Gravitational Constant Based on Mach's Principle
Galaxy Formation -- a Condensation Process just after Recombination
Galerkin Method in the Gravitational Collapse: a Dynamical System Approach
Galilean Covariance and the Gravitational Field
Galilean Theories of Gravitation
Galileo satellite constellation and extensions to General Relativity
Galileo Symmetries in Polymer Particle Representation
Galileon gravity and its relevance to late time cosmic acceleration
Galileons from Lovelock actions
Gamma Ray Bursts, The Principle of Relative Locality and Connection Normal Coordinates